Monday, 11 February 2013


"A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart till the day you die."
Mary Mason.

Pregnancy is a unique experience for every women. It is also a period where women need to take maximum care of their health and for their baby. Nowadays, it is not wrong for women to work even though the had married because now people always said that women and men are at the same level. Here, the problem is when pregnant women working and it at an industrial workplace. Industrial workplace is very dangerous because the work is very hard and the surrounding may effects the baby's growth.

It is not good for pregnant women to work no matter in what field they are because they will get many harmful that comes from their surroundings. As we can see, many company have their own policies about pregnant women. Usually they do not allow the pregnant women to work and they will give them leave until the baby birth. Pregnant women easily to feel stress and have unbalance feeling. This situation may affect their work and the company itself. This condition will be more dangerous when it comes to the industrial workplace. Yes, it is very dangerous for them.

But, we need to remember. We cannot simply stop them from working because we did not in their shoes. We does not know what actually happen to them. We does not know what lead them to work at an industrial workplace. Maybe they had been divorced by their husband. Maybe they come from the poor family. Maybe their husband has passed away. Or maybe they faced a financial problem. We cannot simply make an assumption towards pregnant women that work at industrial workplace because our situation is not same with them. Beside, we are as a good citizen need to give support and motivate them and do not let them feel alone and stress. Family and friends are a good person that are really closed to them that can help to motivate them for their life. Yes, the chemicals in the industrial workplace can harm baby's development, but the employer need to play an important role to think what are the suitable works that pregnant women can do that will no harm their baby's development and themselves too. Nowadays, there have a guided book to get a healthy pregnancies in the mining workplace, so it is sure that there also have a guided book for pregnant women that work at an industrial place.

"Before you were conceived I wanted you. Before you were born I loved you. Before you were here an hour I would die for you. This is the miracle of Mother's Love"
Maureen Hawkins


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